About this site

If the Team Fits Me is my personal blog where I write content that I think it's relevant for any manager out there. And by relevant I don't mean it's right, but just the best way I found so far, so feel free to reach out to me and share ideas!

And yes, my opinion are my own.

About me

My real name is Guillermo Vayá and I work for Mattermost. In the past I've worked on VPS, ticketing and e-bike ride sharing companies (among others).

I'm passionate about being open (source, communication, etc.) and so I decided to create this blog to try and write what it is to be a manager with a couple of objectives in mind:

  • Solidify ideas. By writing down my thoughts I get the chance to think about them in a more conscious manner. It's a sort of mini-retro for me.
  • Share. I recently went to a manager conference, and the best experience whas to notice how many people struggle with the same things and come up with their own solutions.
  • Get feedback. While I don't think I'll enable comments to prevent having to manage spam, I love getting feedback, so please share your ideas and criticism with me. You can reach me by any of the means in the contact me section.